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Revision as of 09:37, 8 October 2012 by Epyon (Talk | contribs)

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  • Color : LIGHTBLUE
  • Skill modifiers : 90% Sidearms, Light and Heavy weapons, 110% rest
  • Master skill : Light weapons
  • Description : The backbone of the Colonial Marines. You are trained in the use of everything that can hurt other living things and don't mind doing just that. As a typical grunt, you don't really think much, instead relying on your weapons to keep you alive.
  • Starting weapons : M4A3, MP5
  • Starting ammo : 200 * 9mm, 3 * Frag, 1 * Krak,
  • Starting equipment : 3 * Medpack

HW Specialist

  • Color : LIGHTCYAN,
  • Skill modifiers : 80% Heavy weapons, 90% Fitness
  • Master skill : Heavy weapons
  • Description : Whenever shit hits the fan, you are there to make it right and support the Colonial Marines with heavy weaponry. Your daily use of heavy equipment and special training also gives you the physical fitness needed to carry out your duty.
  • Starting armor : Gyro-stabilizer
  • Starting weapons : M4A3, HK MG4
  • Starting ammo : 100 * 9mm, 160 * 5.56, 1 * Frag, 1 * Krak,
  • Starting equipment : 2 * Medpack


  • Color : LIGHTGREEN,
  • Skill modifiers : 80% Sidearms, 90% Fitness, 90% Perception, 120% Heavy
  • Master skill : Sidearms
  • Description : You are the first one to enter any combat zone. Ready to survey it and support your fellow Marines with behind-the-line information. Perceptive and quick, you can make your way through enemy territory with only your trusted sidearm.
  • Starting weapons : M4A3
  • Starting ammo : 100 * 9mm, 3 * Frag, 1 * Inc,
  • Starting equipment : 4 * Medpack


  • Color : LIGHTRED,
  • Skill modifiers : 50% Medical, 90% Technical, 90% Perception
  • Master skill : Medical
  • Description : Even the toughest Marine is only human. They don't seem to know that, but you do. Skilled in the medical arts, it's your job to keep all your gung-ho comrades from dying a heroic and early death. You only went through basic weapon training and never regretted it, so far...
  • Starting weapons : M4A3
  • Starting ammo : 100 * 9mm, 1 * Krak, 1 * Inc,
  • Starting equipment : 5 * Medpack, 3 * Stimpack, 3 * Painkiller pack


  • Color : YELLOW,
  • Skill modifiers : 50% Technical, 90% Medical, 90% Perception
  • Master skill : Technical
  • Description : You are the nerd among your fellow soldiers. Well, as nerdy as a Colonial Marine can be. You handle computers and other electronic devices like other Marines handle their weapons. Like your educated friend, the Medic, you lack any kind of advanced weapon training.
  • Starting weapons : M4A4
  • Starting ammo : 100 * 9mm, 2 * Frag, 2 * Krak, 2 * Inc,
  • Starting equipment : 3 * Medpack, 3 * Multi-tool